Monday, October 8, 2007

HW 18: Least Favorite Blog Post of the Week

When I went to the link for, “Blogs I’m Watching” I clicked on the link to one of the blogs that I've been watching. The name of the blog was Feministe at I went through the posts over the last seven days and came across a post about the war in Iraq. The title of the post was, “Torture in the USA” filed under Racism, Torture, Assholes, Crime, Race & Ethnicity. It was a very serious issue and extremely hard to stomache when reading. The post described how there is a lot more violence and problems going on in American then we are even aware of. In the post, it states, “People kept in secret foreign prisons without access to lawyers or rule of law aren’t the only ones being tortured – our domestic prison stystem condones torture and abuse as well.” (Jill- Feministe) The post then goes on to describe how prisoners are being treated unfairly in prisons. Personally, I am someone with very mixed opinions on the war in Iraq but I know for a fact that I completely disagree with the way in which our military was sent over to Iraq and the way that they are being treated and handled. We need to respect them for human beings and realize that they are giving up their lives to protect the lives of others and their country. I didn’t really enjoy the post, not necessarily for the way in which she spoke about the war and the people who fight in it everyday, but just the gruesome and disgusting tactics. It is hard to say what is true and what is not but it is definitely somewhat unbelievable to believe that anyone could ever be treated this way. The post really made me rethink my thought on the war in Iraq.

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