Tuesday, October 23, 2007

HW 24: A Room of One's Own

How I have a room of my own is on a deeper level then just the physical. I believe that I do have a room of my own. Virginia Woolf described this in chapter five when she stated, "For women have sat indoors all these millions of years, so that by this time the very walls are permeated by their creative force" ( Woolf, 87) For women, this enables them to have thier own creative power, and it is this power which is a woman's own room. She also talks about the importance of women not being ignorant but taking a stance for themselves. It is her goal that we act for what is right and just for us. In chapter six, Woolf states that, "There must be freedom and there must be peace. Not a wheel must grate, not a light glimmer. The curtains must be close drawn. The writer, I thought, once his experience is over, must lie back and let his mind celebrate his nuptials in darkeness" (Woolf, 104). It is not the importance of materialsm that makes up a person's room it's their own opinions and ideas that make it their own. Woolf wants for a woman her room to be a reflection of who she is. My basic room has four walls, furniture, is very color and has familiar things. However, on a deeper level my room is my own space. A place for me to explore and let my mind wander off. In the last two chapters of the book, Virginia Woolf spoke a lot about the difference between men and woman and the difference between the sexes. I personally agree that each of us have our "own room". However, it is different for each and every person because it is whateverwe want it to be. I personally agree with the narrator in that women have had a lot less freedom then men have, especially when it comes to writing and expressing their own thoughts. Therefore my very own room is where i can think deep about everything that has happened over the past few years and how it has shaped me as well.

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